Family Picture

Family Picture

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Week 3

Boston is quite a dream.
Love this boy. He's SO tiny! Although about halfway through week 3, I finally started to see his first little leg rolls. Finally! So cute. And it also meant he was filling out his diapers a bit more - I swear they were so loose on him, the pee would just go right out the side and soak himself rather than the diaper! Nights are still a drag... waking about 2 times to feed during the night with about 5 hours in between. Not bad, but man it's so much harder this time around when you can't nap whenever you want during the day! First borns are such a breeze... 
My eyes would start to hurt about 8 o'clock at night. It's funny how I'd have to choose what I could do every day. Like if I wanted to watch a movie with Zach that night, I'd have to stay home and take a nap during the day. Or if I wanted to go to a play date with my mom friends, that meant I had to go to bed early and catch up on sleep then. I could only play for a bit and then I'd have to stay put for a few days and rest up. It made me so antsy! I constantly felt like I had errands to run and places to be but I couldn't manage it all. And Target was calling my name like the grim reaper... I didn't realize how strong my love for Target was until I was on house arrest with two babies. I LOVE TARGET! It has me wrapped around it's finger and I missed it like crazy. It has everything you need and a million things you don't need at all but HAVE to have or you'll DIE. Oh Target, I do love you. So basically I spent week two and three deciding on whether I would play with friends, sleep, go to Target, or watch a movie with Zach. And Target won a lot of the time. 
Moving on.
The weather has been crazy beautiful! Warm and sunny with a breeze. Lots of outside time for Miss Bean when daddy gets home.
 When daddy's gone, we just made do inside: 
 Her daily ritual of rushing into my closet and going through all my nail polish and pulling all my tights out of the top drawer. So much fun. Especially cleaning it up every night. Never gets old.
And we also manage to stay in our jammies for several days in a row. 
 playing with the bear that Uncle Jordy gave her for her birthday. She loves it! Gives it kisses. Then hangs it over the edge of the crib until she let's it plummet to it's "death".
Ok, sometimes I'm a tad fun and let G run around outside while B snoozes on the couch. But it usually ends in tears when I'm done sweating and swatting away wasps and finally drag her inside.
She wouldn't ever run through without holding my hand, she'd just run around and shake her hands in the water. Silly girl!
 Making funny faces at me.
 I love that crazy hair!

Zach's high school friend had a random business trip in SLC and he wanted to see the kiddos so we packed up and I met Zach at his work to pick him up. For some reason there was an unreasonable amount of tears that afternoon about being in the car for such a "long" drive (about 25 minutes) and both G and Bos were screaming and I was ready to buy a 3 year supply of ear plugs (is 3 years even enough??)
But hey, at least I managed to put make up on that day. Hard to do with a newborn and a toddler!
 After we picked up daddy, we went to the park/splash pad by his work to play some and wait for Tyler's flight to get in. An ice cream truck just happened to pull in so Zach picked out a treat for Georgia and shared it with her as he tried to suffocate Boston - see below photograph for evidence:
Finally, we packed up again and picked Tyler up from the airport and headed downtown to The Pie - supposedly the best pizza around. It was delicious, but like my daddy, I'll always just be partial to the Maui Zaui pizza at Round Table. The babies were good all during dinner, not a peep from Boston and Georgia kept busy playing with a cup full of ice and water and some nasty floaties. Tyler has a little girl about 3 years old and it was fun to catch up and talk about parenting and our kids who we love so much :) 
We were so full from dinner that we decided to walk it off at temple square. The sun was setting late (ahhh summer days, so glorious) and the weather was perfect so we strolled through the beautiful temple grounds and chased Georgia around. She was quite friendly to Tyler, talking up a storm with him and letting him carry her.  We even snapped this terrible quality ridiculous picture that somehow made it look like Zach was the 3rd wheel and Tyler and I are a family. Haha! I was dying. 
 It was way past bed time and my eyes were aching when we got home, but it's always a treat to see Zach's best buddies from home, it doesn't happen too often! 

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