Family Picture

Family Picture

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Georgia @ 10 Months

This girl is hard to catch on camera these days. Hardly any smiles if I don't have someone to make her laugh while I'm clicking away. I found this ruffle romper at Swiss Days and had to have it even if she only ever wore it once. It's so cute!! She's my little pumpkin.
She's always so WIGGLY! Won't stay still for nothin' but cartoons and wants to crawl around everywhere. 
 Checkin' out her get-up:
And I wasn't the only one who loved it. Enter, this huge swarm of Koreans that found us at In N Out that day:
 They were oohing and awing and clicking at her and putting glasses on her and she LOVED it and pouted when they tried to go away.
 I honestly let this go on way too long...
And even risked abduction...
 Because I just couldn't stop laughing and taking pictures!! Haha
And I tried to find some common ground with them...told them my baby sis is on a mission in Korea. They didn't care. haha.

*She can pull herself up on any furniture and walk all along it and loves walking up and down the stairs, one at a time, she thinks it's so fun
*Is OBSESSED with the computer, any time we are on it, she immediately makes her way over and starts grabbing the screen, pushing all the buttons, and throws a fit if we try to stop her. Pretty soon we were reformatting our settings and googling how to fix the changes... 
 Our little computer programmer, plugging away....
We pulled out new big girl clothes: 
And received LOTS of handmedowns: 
 Thanks sis!
And thanks for the perfect Halloween shirt!! She is totally wicked c
*She is starting to understand my tone of voice when I say "no" or tell her not to do something, she'll stop, turn around, and look at me like she's thinking about it
*Now that she's crawling everywhere, she always wants to go into the kitchen and pick little teeny tiny miniscule crumbs off the floor which drives me crazy so I always have to sweep a ton
*She is the light of our lives and we love hanging out with her. Some of our favorite things:
-Watching her laugh when she touches our eyelashes
-Hearing her say "hidada" even if she doesn't know what it means or it's at 3am
-Seeing her dance to her favorite cartoon songs
-Seeing her smile and shake her head when I sing the bathtub song from Peg Plus Cat (cartoon) 
-Showing her videos of herself laughing or talking, she loves them
-Pretending to "get her" just to get her reaction: screaming and kicking and trying to get away 
-Dancing with her and dipping her backwards

Lately I have been feeling sad that soon I will get too big to hold her much or chase her around and play with her all the time... I still have some time, but man she just grows up so fast! I know I'll blink and she'll be walking. Ps. can't wait till then... she's getting heavy :) 

1 comment:

  1. Wow your baby aged a month in 6 days....she really is a genius!!! hahaaha
