Family Picture

Family Picture

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ode To A Sleepy Husband

Last night my best little buddy in crime and I were snickering and snapping pictures of helpless people as we often do and that night, Zach happened to be our choice of prey:
The reason we love this picture sooooo much is because my husband is one of the sleepiest people I know and if set at any angle below 90 degrees, he can and most likely will fall asleep. Doesn't matter if it's 8pm or 3pm or 10am or any am/pm. We also love this picture because he has a deep obsession with all things soft and feels a need to smother himself with them. This includes pillows, blankets, towels, velvet jackets, etc... He sleeps with a minimum of 6 pillows at night but prefers around 8. If put in a situation where there are limited pillows, he will try to steal the only one I have. Punk.
Here are just a few of the pictures I have snapped over the years of just such falling asleep at any time, anywhere, and with all sorts of soft things:
 I turned my back for 2 seconds and his arm snuggled up inside my velvet hoodie.
 Here he is in bed with his Brookstone robe.
 My favorite - inside the opening of his pillow case #anywayhecangetit
 One of our favorite soft blankets. That is too small to share....
And underneath the hood of my jacket which is lined with some kind of soft fuzzy material.
I must say, the man has a gift. I would give anything to fall asleep that easily... I have wasted way too many nights tossing and turning and have resorted to taking melatonin at night...
But while we are still on the topic of funny pictures of Zach, I couldn't pass up the chance to post these babies: 
 Just look at that determination. Sexy if you ask me.
 And let's not forget the day at the Marriott with Nikki and Mary Stout... some of our favorite peeps. Yes, those are his orange faux-bans. fake. ray bans. faux-bans. orange. sighhhhh... better than white 90's sunglasses from the 99 cent store, but not much....
 And he always tries to find a way to incorporate his buttcrack into the picture. Successful.
And the winner of them all: 
This is Zach's designated "gay face" that he makes 50 times a day mostly because he knows I hate it. But it IS hilarious. And WHAT is with his legs looking like toothpicks next to the rest of his body?!?! He looks crippled.... or malnutritioned from the waste down. And just for the record, that is NOT his white midriff hanging out, that is actually part of the harness showing. just clarifying. the rest is embarrassingly all him hahaha.
Have I also mentioned that I like to take advantage of people after surgery and/or when they are not totally conscious?
Exhibit B:
 And C:
It's a good thing I married him when he looked like this:  
And he keeps getting more handsome with each new surgery haha
 And he can grow an awesome beard
 And he's a pretty good golfer...
And a suuuuuper cute little boy... can you see some of Georgia in this face?
I was 18 and falling for this face:
And we have so so so much fun together. Love my main squeeze.



    Jeremy: "WHAT are you laughing at?!?!"

    Kelly: HAhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahah

  2. oh my gosh! This made us laugh so know how jason gets...watery eyes and constant laughter. haha. jason said about the zipline picture: he looks like a the guy in avatar...
    oh my gosh! haha

    1. Hahahaha Zach gives us much to laugh about :))))

  3. So funny! I love that you two are so perfect for each other!
