Family Picture

Family Picture

Monday, April 29, 2013

Georgia @ 4 Months

My little chickie-babe is 4 months old!!! 
 Her check-up went well (except for a few tears of terror when strangers handle her and she thinks I've left her to die) and she is 12.25 lbs and in the 13th percentile for weight. She is 26 inches! Long and lean and super duper cute. And still white as the moon.
Unfortunately I didn't even realize that she turned 4 months until halfway through the day and we were on our flight to Atlanta! So we had some fun while being squished together and enduring a heat stroke... even with the air going, we were sweating!  
 Obviously she is super excited to be my new selfie partner in crime... ahhh Cait, where are you???
She is so much fun these days and I love all the faces and sounds she makes every day! 
 I think it's safe to say, I am the red-delicious apple of her eye. And I love getting a googley-eyed smile with just one look.

By Now:

*She is talking and babbling and calling and cooing more and more every day
*She's laughing more and more but rarely more than twice at the same gimick, the little stink
*This is partly because she gets hiccups every. single. time. she laughs so she never gets more than a couple giggles in before she's choking on hiccups again - every time without fail
*She hasn't rolled over yet (which I'm kind of thankful for, it's just much easier and less worry) but she has learned to pull her legs up and grab her toes to play with them
*She can pick up and play with her rattle by herself
*She can kick and maneuver herself around - the other day I went to get her from her nap and she was turned completely around in her cradle with her feet up where her head normally is!
*She screams bloody murder if she's with a stranger and I've left the room (strangers including with or without Zach)
*Her little bum has grown into size 2 diapers!
*She is sucking her thumb more (along with other fingers too) which I can't decide whether to stop it or not.. but it's not that consistent so I just let her be
*I am reading Dr. Weissbluth's book - Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child and it is amazing and completely eye-opening (bummed I didn't read it earlier, she could have used it weeks ago) and we are down to a great sleep schedule - she is so much happier
*Finally fitting into her 3 month clothes which I am soooo excited for because they are to die for!
*She is liking bath time more these days and cries less when I put lotion on her after - I love my little snuggly-wuggly!

Love her personality these days:
Check me out! Rawr.
 Who, me?!?
 Oh heyyyy
 Playing coy... 
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Ok, call me :)

xoxo, Georgia


  1. Hahahahahahah awwwwwww I LOVE this little BOOOOberry!!!! That's right, I said BOO and I don't even care if you care.....she is SOOOOOOO cute!!!!!!

    1. Hahahahahahaha I don't even have to be with you to have a conversation. You already know how it goes so you just finish it for me. hahaha
