Zach's friend from work recently got a boat and we couldn't wait to test it out with them! We headed to Deer Creek for some tubing and extreme heat! I was happy we went so late in the day so it cooled off a little.
Always a great day and a grand view with these boys...
They had a baby life vest for G and I felt so sorry for her, choking/sweating it out all day! But she never complained. Looked a little annoyed with life, yes. But no pouting!
This boy....always pushing the limits...always willing to sacrifice his scarred and beaten body for some good ole risky fun!
He wanted to go as fast as possible, as hard as possible. "Ride me dirty rotten" were his exact words.
You can't tell from the pictures, but they were going crazy fast around turns and I was getting anxiety from how fast Zach was whipping around and flying off! Over and over:
I really don't like to tube.... I don't like whiplash and feeling like my life is slipping away from me. And let's be honest, boys ALWAYS lie! They tell you they won't go fast or throw you off and then they LIE!!! I almost got away with "taking care of Georgia" but they wouldn't let me.
I screamed the entire time (high-pitched and out of control, exactly like my mother...embarrassing) but did have tons of fun. There were times we went faster than I cared for, but I will admit, it IS fun. I didn't get thrown off but I did hop in the water after and go for a nice swim. The water felt great!
This little boy was more of a scaredy cat than me! Eh, what can you expect from little boys? ;) I'm sure I'll eat my words someday...
Scott's wife, Maddie:
My two favorites:
We ended the night with some pretty crappy Mexican food in Midway (it was NOT Don Pedros) and even crappier ice cream... oh well. Can't win em all :)
Haha so Zach wonders how G is still alive, but seriously how is HE still alive?!? Was he wearing his boot when he was Riding Dirty Rotten?!?