Another big adventure for us! This one was actually big. Like it was a real hike. And there was sweat. And grumpiness. And anxiety of toes. And lots of other things. But it was seriously beautiful. It was definitely longer than the information we read about, and not so kid friendly, but still fun.
The very beginning of the trail:
Starting out with gusto:
Things getting a little hairy towards the end... losing my patience... sweating buckets...
In the midst of my grumbling and darting through the bushes to avoid swarms of bees, we saw something super cool. If you look reeeeeally close, you can see the face of a deer in the brush. Is was crazy, we all of a sudden heard loud thrashing nearby, like it was falling down the mountainside (I don't even know how a dear survives up that high on a mountainside) so we just froze and looked at it for a few minutes through the leaves, not wanting to know what would happen if it came out onto the trail and faced us (at least I didn't) but it was really neat. We were so close to it!
Taking a break and asking lots of questions:
Poor G just wanted to walk on her own but we weren't at a pace to ramble.
There were 3 or 4 little creeks leading up to the waterfall that gave me false hope every time! But I stopped and cooled my feet finger toes and all was well. It's funny, I can literally feel my the stress and discomfort melt away when my feet are well taken care of :)
Nearing the end, but not quite at the waterfall. Here's a view on the canyon and what we had hiked so far:
Finally we made it:
I was almost in desperation at the end because you come to what looks like "the end" of the trail and there is a little sign that says "Scout Falls" and then you see the falls through the trees way off in the distance so it looks like you can't get to it and I was about to throw down cause at the thought of hiking all that way and having to peek through the trees at a waterfall. But then Zach did some exploring and figured out how to climb around the cliffside right up to it. Still kind of a bummer considering you can't just relax and your kids splash around on flat ground and dip your toes in, you have to really be careful not to slip down and fall to your death and watch your babes. But it was really beautiful and still neat to get close enough to feel it sprinkling on you.
The amazing view of the canyon below us:
A sweet panoramic picture that Zach took:
We ate snacks like a big kid:
And I even had to sit on a rock and NURSE. Oh the joys... but all was happy in the end:
Then Zach decided to refill our water bottle with fresh mountain spring water since we have a filter camelbak and just decided to go all in!
He said it was pretty cold! And he tried to get Georgia up close to it but she wasn't havin it :)
And then Zach's new favorite tradition, selfies with his baby girl:
Hahaha I love it so much.
And she ended up kicking and screaming with joy whenever he'd get her too close to the water, like it was gonna get her. She loved it!
Finally we packed it up and got going. I loved this site in front of me the whole time, a good beat to march to:
Baby boy, wide awake for most of it. He doesn't sleep on the go like Big Sis did.
Me & my crew:
Georgia was straight POOPED by the end of it! Just slumped over on daddy's head.
Oh my toes were aching by the time we got back from being smashed while going downhill! I need some new running shoes that fit my finger toes better.
Looking back at the canyon we just hiked:
It was long and sometimes uncomfortable but beautiful, and reminded me of the good ole camping/hiking/exploring days with my family, which put an instant smile on my face. Wish they all could have been there! Better yet, I wish we were all hunting for Navajo hieroglyphs in southern Utah with my pops...
So funny! Reminds me of three-year-old Caitlin on the lake, sandwiched in between Dad and a sibling behind her, asleep on the jet ski when it pulled into the dock!