Family Picture

Family Picture

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Auntie Time

Auntie Booch made her way back from Christmas Break to see my little Sleeping Beauty and I believe it was "love at first sight" and "she's so white, it's creepy... is she alive??"

 And obviously she did what all the Blickenstaff's do... take funny pictures of people who can't help themselves. (This includes, behind other's backs, while they are sleeping, to their face, distorting their faces with apps, the list goes on....)

Auntie Fagita did her hair for this shot. :)))))  basically all my child did for the first 2 months was sleep her life away.

 And here's some more glamour shots of Auntie Booch with the babe on her hip... too good not to post.

 Love this sis. Ain't she perty?? :)

And finally adopted Aunt Nikki made her debut. I was surprised by how much she's loved this little babe of mine. She was so happy when I introduced her as Auntie Nikki :) and she's been such a help every week! I get her for one day and she runs errands and helps me give G baths and everything. Love her.

We finally got a chance to watch a movie in the theater room... I think it was Pitch Perfect?? Yes, I'm wearing Zach's Brookstone robe that I bought him for Christmas last year. And I lived in it for about a month. Soooo comfy.

 Here's one where she's actually awake... 

And another photo op with Auntie Booch... I've been replaced. It used to be me in these sessions but I guess G makes for a better shot. It's also less embarrassing for me. But I do miss them... :)

Oh there I am... still in my robe!

I think we took these pictures for Kell so she knew exactly what she was missing out on. Don't overlook CAITLIN'S FACE haha why doesn't Blooger have emoticons????


  1. Blooger doesn't have emoticons because it is probably too busy picking all of it's bloogers.

  2. i didn't know you had a blog!?! i just found it today and am excited to start following.

    1. Ha, well I suck at blogging, so I don't really publicize it.... :)
