Family Picture

Family Picture

Sunday, March 24, 2013

G's 3 Month Mark

Parents have been saying it forever. And I knew I would say it too. But WHERE does the time go????

This question has obviously never been solved.

I don't understand how Georgie is already three months old! But I do know that she is the happiest, cutest, best, greatest, most amazing little thing ever and I seriously love every day with her. I awaited and awaited her arrival and now I just want to slooooow things down. Wouldn't you if you saw this face??

And this one

 Even when it starts to look like this

And this

I just feel lucky because it eventually always goes back to this

Um, I WIN.

I love this girl so so much and it melts my heart how much she loves me back. I love being somebody's favorite, even if it's only for a little while... (ahem, Kell...don't feel sad. I'm sure I'll be another second best in a few short months when she realizes just how cool Dad is...sad day).

By now:

*The few hairs she has left are still reddish/orange
*Weighs about 11 pounds
*Has a pretty regular schedule of eating every 3-4 hours and sleeping from 12-7am
*Gurgles and coos in response to our baby talk
*Has a really strong kick, especially when she's throwing a fit and arching her back
*Starting to discover laughing (Zach made her laugh a couple times but it's mostly excited coughs)
*Loves YouTube videos
*Realized just how interesting her hands are, stares at them all day long
Exhibit A:
 Exhibit B:
 Exhibit C: 
*Prefers sucking on her hands and fingers over the binky
*Can now clasp them together in front of her and even grasp a rattle for a short time

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