Family Picture

Family Picture

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Zach's 28th

The very next day was Zach's 28th birthday!
I started it off by making us some egg, cheese, and english muffin sandwiches. Pffft who needs McDonald's??
 Then it was time to get ready for a day at 7 peaks with friends! Somebody needs a tan...
 Jason, Emily, and little Charlie came along for the fun.
And these two explored and shared toys.
It looks kind of overcast but it was HOT outside!
Georgia was a doll as usual...
After swimming, we had dinner at Texas Roadhouse, one of our favorites! Then we went back home to enjoy the dessert I made for Zach - yes! I made dessert! Honestly, this is so lame, but I think it's first time, or one of very few times I made something for his birthday! I think we've just always gone out to dinner and had dessert out. This time, I took his absolute favorite - homemade banana ice cream - and piled it into a graham cracker crust. 
Say hello to Homemade Banana Ice Cream Pie! It turned out great! Zach barely let me touch the leftovers...
 Lighting the candles...

Blowing out the candles...
This year, Zach got some biking shoes and gear and I gave him some frames with our family pictures in it so he could take them to work and put them on his desk.
Happy Birthday babe! Here's to the best year yet! 


  1. I THOUGHT for a second that you were going to put away the bloody kitchen boxes for his birthday present, but NO NO they made their appearance!!! Now for the most important part....where is the banana ice cream recipe?!?!?!?! Help a fellow fattie sister out!!!

    1. Hahahahahahahhaa neupe! Still there!!! That recipe is top secret. Mostly because it will kill you. And turn your children into foaming fattie monsters. Because nothing kills your bloody hooligans!!! hahaha
